
Giving deep meaning to your tunes

With over a hundred thousand songs to choose from, we're using the KNN architecture to find new music based on songs you already like. What is KNN? Let the song decide. Literally. The features of the song, like tempo, danceability and talkiness decide what your new songs will be. KNN's are among the faster options we experimented with so you could enjoy your DEEPTUNES! efficiently .

Profile Silhouette


Create your own profile where you can customize your music experience.

Girl and Neon music sign

Find new music

We give you a list of new songs, according to your song and then you can find new songs based on that song as well!.

Goodvibes Neon Sign

Save music

Save the new songs you find to further expand your playlist.

neon blue graph


See what music you prefer, as well as a breakdown of your music and how it pertains to song paramaters.

vynil store neon

Coming soon... Import/Export

Import and Export your playlists to and from all your music apps.

wonderland neon

Coming soon... Customize

Customize your profile, change colors, make multiple playlists based on moods, genres and other parameters.